Hi, I'm Cait
I founded Pathos to help organizations produce visually appealing, functional marketing materials that stick with their audience members.
Facts about me:
 I specialize in writing, editing, graphic design, and branding.
 I have a master's of professional writing and 4+ years of marketing communications experience.
•​​​​​​​ I drink too much matcha and spend my free time drawing, lifting, and exploring Philadelphia.
Why Pathos?
The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that there are three ways to appeal to an audience in order to persuade them: ethos, logos, and pathos
- Ethos refers to the speaker/writer’s credibility. 
- Logos refers to the reasoning of the argument.
- Pathos refers to the emotional appeal and personal connection to the audience.
Although Aristotle lived over 2,000 years ago, his triangle of appeals is still relevant as ever. 
Pathos in 2024 means infusing content with personality and character. It means pushing creative boundaries in order to innovate and stand out. It means studying trends and manipulating them into something unique. It means, above all, having a deep understanding of the audience (the consumer, the reader, the viewer, the stakeholder). 
Pathos Communications Services believes marketing communications are fruitless if we do not know and connect with our audience. 
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